Not quite sure what it is about this birthday, but it feels significant.
I’m deep in the depths of my late 20’s… (30 — is that you, playa?!) I’m in the stage of my life where most aspects have been solidified (I’ve found my person, I’ve become 3 little human’s mommy, I’ve discovered my career path, I’ve met friends that I’ll know for my entire life). However, there is still so much to do, so much to see, so much to learn & I’m looking forward to [growing] through it all.
So in honor of this very significant birthday, here are 28 things I’ve learned in these last 28 years:
1. Life is short. Too short to sweat the small stuff. Too short to be angry at the people you love. Too short to not fully LIVE & spread LOVE every moment that you can. Entirely too short.
2. Empathy is the greatest virtue. From it, all virtues flow. Without it, all virtues are an act.
3. Making mistakes is all about learning lessons. The perfectionist in me has had to get used to this fact. If you’re failing, you’re growing.
4. Don’t compare yourself to others. That’s their story, not yours. Bloom where YOU were planted.
5. Open up the good wine, use the nice sheets, burn the expensive candle. TREAT YO SELF!
6. Be kind to others, be kind to yourself. We are often told to treat others with respect, but are we respecting ourselves? To love others, we must first love ourselves.
7. There is no room for negativity in my life. And there should be no room for it in yours either. Eliminate those negative people, thoughts, behaviors: you’ll soon find that it’s a weight off your shoulders.
8. Follow your gut. Trust yourself.
9. Mind your business, girl. Not his business, her business, or their business. My name’s Bennett and I ain’t in it.
10. Your happiness is your responsibility. Don’t rely on external forces to make you happy or keep you happy. Your happiness is up to you.
11. Hurt people hurt people. I’ve been on both the giving and receiving end of that hurt. I don’t have many regrets in life, but hurting someone I love(d) will always fall into that category.
12. Confidence is key. If you don’t believe in yourself, why would anyone else? And let’s be clear, when I say confidence, I don’t mean arrogance. Confidence and humility can co-exist.
13. Brussels sprouts are gross. Have been, are now, will always be.
14. Motherhood is about grace. Showing them that making mistakes is okay (and necessary), that they can always be honest with me because I will never judge them, that I am an imperfect person and so are they and we will love each other fiercely through every imperfection.
15. Speaking of love, when you feel it: say it. Just say it!
16. Embrace your weird. No one can do you better than you can.
17. Enjoy the good ole days while you’re still in them. Seize every blissful moment and bask in it. It’ll be over before you know it.
18. “Faith is confidence in what we hope for & assurance about what we do not see”. Hebrews 11:1.
19. Fall in love with someone who wants you, who waits for you, who understands you. Someone who helps you, and guides you, someone who is your support, your hope. Then marry them… I did.
20. Think twice before you hit “reply all”. No two deadlier words have ever been said.
21. Be grateful. Live life with a grateful heart. Say thank you for the big things and the small things. If you don’t show gratitude for what you have now, what makes you think more blessings will continue to come your way?
22. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Being able to laugh at yourself is essential to life.
23. Family is absolutely everything. If only I could go back and tell 13-yr. old me to say yes to so much more. Don’t roll your eyes at her. Hug him for just 5 seconds longer. Put your phone down & be present in the moment. They won’t always be here: tell them how much you love them.
24. Laughter is fuel for the soul.
25. Adult friendships require a lot of effort. But no excuses – we are all busy. Whether near or far, we’ve got to do our best to maintain our true friendships. Because who else is going to tell it to you straight!?
26. Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer. To travel is to learn. To travel is to live.
27. Being a mama is dope. It’s just unexplainable. Looking at them and realizing I had a part to play in these 3 tiny humans entering this world, truly blows my mind. They are mine, and I am theirs.
28. Life is such an incredible journey. It’s not about where you end up, but how you got there. We must revel in the in-between.
So hit me with your best shot, chapter 28… Let’s see what you’re made of. I can’t wait to experience you in all of your glory.
Love always.
Profound words of beautiful wisdom. Love everyone of your Aha moments and words. Life is to be lived in beauty. Christ affords us that abundant life. Thank you for sharing. I love you. Proud of you. Stay in Gods Grace Always🙏🏾
Thank you so much, Anya! Love you dearly!